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  • matthewcannell


Please make sure that you CELEBRATE the end of your academic year, as a family. It is a great thing to have home schooled your children this year, so please celebrate the victories. You may have had a student who:

  • finished the ABCs course or

  • learned their addition or multiplication tables or

  • improved their handwriting or spelling or

  • finished primary school (end of PACE 1072) or

  • completed the typing/keyboarding course or

  • memorised several Scripture passages or

  • read several books or

  • wrote some great compositions/book reports/essays or

  • finished year 10 or 12 or

  • gained entry to TAFE or university or

  • got a job.

Whatever you and your family have achieved this year, find a significant reason to celebrate each of your children at the end of this year. Look for a strength or an improvement in each child and encourage each one on that achievement.

You only need ONE thing that your child has achieved, or is good at, be it academics, a sport, a hobby, Scripture memory, recognition of their service e.g. at church or in the community etc. Why not recognise and praise them for that one thing.

Remember young David – he was good at music and slinging stones


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