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  • matthewcannell


We use spoken and written words every single day to communicate ideas, thoughts, and emotions to those around us. Sometimes we communicate successfully, and sometimes we’re not quite so successful. A good vocabulary can help us say what we mean. Here are some new words to add to your student’s vocabulary.

sacrifice (verb)

To give up something for the benefit of another person

ANZAC (noun)

The letters represent “Australian and New Zealand Army Corps”.

Gallipoli (proper noun)

The peninsula in Ottoman Turkey where the ANZAC troops landed on 25 April 1915 to try to take possession of that land in World War I. Despite many brave attempts in many battles, after 8 months, they left the Gallipoli peninsula.

Dardanelles Strait (proper noun)

The sea passage that leads to the opening of the Sea of Marmara, which then leads to the opening to the Black Sea.


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