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  • matthewcannell


The number of children, even teenagers, who cannot tell the time, is astonishing. 


Digital clocks show us the time using numbers.  They have digits like 0, 1, 2, 3…

Analogue clocks have hands to show us the hours and minutes.  The little hand shows the hours.  The big hand shows the minutes.  Some analogue clocks also have a third hand to mark the seconds that pass. Analogue clocks are the best way to teach children about time. (The American spelling of this word is “analog”)


While a digital clock may seem like an easy way to teach your children the time, the old-fashioned analogue variety is much more effective.  Analogue clocks:

  • allow for better comprehension of time by providing hands that consistently move, and

  • they also help children to develop their spacial reasoning skills.


Most children need pictures to help them better understand and interpret information.  It is difficult to visualise anything related to time when looking at the face of a digital clock.  So, keep and analogue clock available to assist your child’s concepts of time.


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