Trading Post will continue to be a place where you can connect with other families, who might be looking for 2nd hand score keys or resource materials. You may email us here at ACHS with your advertisements, and we will endeavour to list as many as we are able. When sending us items to be listed for sale, please follow these important guides:
Used PACEs and PACE tests are NOT ALLOWED to be resold. Only used score keys and resource materials such as literature books may be advertised through the trading post.
Ensure that you provide accurate contact details. The ACHS office does not manage the transactions listed in the trading post. If you would like people to buy your items, provide them with the best way to get in contact with you.
When listing your items, list them clearly and accurately.
Maths SK 1037-39, 1040-42, and so on.
English SK 1037-39, 1040-42, and so on.
It would also be advisable if you are able to identify if the Score Keys are edition 3 or 4. As there may be differences in content between editions 3 and 4, it will assist you in finding a buyer.
Score Keys $100 Package Deal
Maths SK: 1048A, 1049-51, 1061-63, 1064-66
English SK: 1037-39, 1043-45, 1046-48, 1049-51, 1052-54 (4th Edition)
Lit & CW SK: 1037-39, 1040-42, 1043-45, 1046-48, 1049-51, 1052-54
Science SK: 1040-42, 1043-45, 1046-48, 1052-54
S/Studies SK: 1035A, 1036A, 1040-42, 1043-45, 1046A, 1047A, 1048A, 1049, 1050A, 1051A, 1052A, 1053A, 1054A, 1055A, 1056A
Bible Reading SK: 1040-42, 1043-45, 1046-48, 1049-51, 1052-54
Literature Novels: Summer Fun with ACE & Christi, The Red Rag Riddle
39 Score Keys & 2 Literature books in all. $100 for the lot.
Contact Debbie on 0421 020 925